Thumb novaya igra town wars 915678
In English the Town Wars - it's urban warfare. But in general it - browser-based multiplayer online role-playing game with elements of combat simulator game, made in cartoon style spices PlayFox. We, together with the Town Wars transported to the dashing 90th, all the guys here who respect themselves, they know a lot about good mobile, keep in pockets on the brass knuckles and uhorezke, nibble sunflower seeds almost constantly. You, too, can really experience all the delights of this world...
Thumb lord of the rings online igroki lishatsya zhilya 848655
Most likely, it is. Indeed, in The Lord of the Rings Online, and as translated game Lord of the Rings Online, radically solve the problem by playing the real estate market. As it became known to us for an update is Game Update 11 every house, whose owner did not use it for half a year, that is 180 days, will be demolished elementary.  Clearly, all this will not happen at once. Players will be given 2 months to ensure that...
Thumb gta 5 igra v rossii vyydet s russkimi subtitrami 148058
Not so long ago, representatives of Rockstar Games said the gaming community about its intentions regarding the localization of the action for the Russian market. 1C Company-SoftKlab will now meet in our state for the distribution of GTA 5.   We have learned and that in versions of GTA 5 for the PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360, the appearance of the stores is expected by September 17, the developers provided the original voice acting and subtitles in Russian. We would also...
Thumb eve online za desyat let suschestvovaniya igry unichtozheno 40 millionov korabley 122848
As you may recall, we recently talked about the fact that EVE Online on May 6 celebrated its tenth anniversary. The company CCP Games, barely recovered from this event, decided to post a video network. In this video, the developers have summed up the life of the toy.  It turns out that in her universe was shot down during that time more than 40 million spacecraft, whose commanders did not always survive. It was destroyed, in addition, the 15 million rescue...
Thumb defiance v igre zaregistrirovano bolee milliona igrokov 63857
According to the game developer Trion Worlds, the multiplayer shooter Defiance in just the first month of its existence has already registered more than one million accounts.  Well, for the MMO-toys with such traditional distribution model is - quite an impressive result. By the way, to play Defiance, it is necessary to get the client. As the creators of the project, this was largely due to the eponymous television series, currently being broadcast on the channel SyFy, all the while attracting...
Thumb aion segodnya v amerikanskoy versii igry nachnetsya rvr ivent 272900
And it is from today to May 22 inclusive in the English version of the project will be fascinating RvR event, which translated to English is called "March of the Guards-General".  Since the event will be held in the Square Jotun Canyon Saylentary, it can not push on the idea that this event will be able to participate only characters level 50. In this event, each faction must destroy the enemy side with the general, not giving in to his opponent...
Thumb novaya igra ride to hell 74488
Before us - the action that created a Deep Silver and Eutechnyx. Oh, and those halcyon '60s! Then sank into oblivion conservatism, thanks to the hippie movement and the expectation of the Cold War, a huge generation born free people. The effect of this, we can say the setting to create the best action-adventure, and turns it into the 60s when the super popular is rock 'n' roll and the hippie movement with bikers. History Ride to Hell: Retribution will tell...
Thumb pero dlya planshetov mighty i elektronnaya lineyka napoleon 872671
Not so long ago, the annual conference of MAX. This event is for the company Adobe was the occasion for the premiere of the next generation of its software and hardware demonstration of the first developments. A few words about the first new product. It's about the touch sensitivity re Project Mighty.   Creators dedicate it to tablets, whose settings are stored in the cloud. The company showed Mighty work with iPad (connection via Bluetooth LE). This pen is distinguished from...
Thumb allody onlayn beskonechnaya bitva izmenit sistemu remesel 369301
Команда разработчиков проекта рассказала о том, как серьезно систему ремесел изменит обновление 4.0.03 под названием Бесконечная битва. Девелоперам захотелось изменить момент, когда основная выгода профессии приносится лишь на максимальном уровне, не давая возможности, как положено, одевать своих героев и по ходу прокачки продавать предметы остальным пользователям. Вот поэтому разработчики и пришли к выводу об изменении ключевых принципов выпуска экипировки. У ремесленников будет возможность создать экипировку на один-три уровня выше существующего, а посему вы можете еще эффективнее одеть еще на стадии знакомства...

About the project

MMOVOTE.RU - portal which includes a rating and the announcement of the popular online game servers: World of Warcraft, Lineage 2 and Aion.

Different from other weight ratings, the main:
- We do not sell the place and voice in our rating, as they are very difficult to cheat and we constantly monitor for this.
- Payout % of SMS per server to administrators.
- Instantly receive data through the vote callback script.
- We are always ready to listen to your ideas, suggestions and implement them as soon as possible.

All servers are added to our portal, from compulsory moderation.

Our rating will help you find the perfect server for a variety of criteria, such as chronicles server rates the players score, feedback on the project and place in the ratings.

In the ranking, and the announcement involves only active resources, closed or inactive resources will be removed monthly, cleaning after resetting the votes.