Thumb neobychnye kompyuternye myshki 993877
We, jumping from desktop PCs to mobile laptops and netbooks, not in a hurry to part with the computer mouse as a manipulator. But not only the habit does not leave us on the touchpad. The notebook is solid device, it can not be bought for a stylish keyboard, a monitor design, if we somehow want to update the computer. A mouse changed at least daily. After all, modern designers always want the army to "computer rodent" grew and grew. Here...
Thumb neverwinter v igru zapustili pervyh polzovateley 84449
A story about the system of crafts in this online toy appeared more recently on its official website. In Neverwinter you can afford to choose a profession already at 10m level. Themselves as a profession will be until 5, 4 of which are responsible for the production of various items - a weapon, armor, alchemical zeliya. A fifth, leadership, will help you make the process as much as possible of adventure and money and expertise, and various trophies. A three-floor back...
Thumb jagged alliance online ofitsialnyy zapusk v rossii 568577
More recently, the developers of this browser tactical strategy informed about the start of the open beta test, and that it may participate by anyone. Testers have had the opportunity to test mode PvE, PvP in some fighting with other players. And so on. A few days ago we learned about the launch of this multiplayer Russian localization strategy. Jagged Alliance Online, which is distributed free trial model was created based on the popular tactical game. MMO offers users to test...
Thumb allody onlayn skoro budet dan start reydovym boyam za dominion 393838
Recently at the site of this online game was published a story about the new opportunity, the appearance of which is a yield of patch 4.0.3 is expected in battle mode for "Dominion". Provided that all the guilds involved in the fight, to battle for the sector of "Dominion" put up by 4 groups of soldiers, of which will be formed by 24 member raids. They are something, and will be invited to battle on the most challenging and exciting special...
Thumb warface igra ugodila v knigu rekordov ginnesa 922831
We have great news for the fans of this unique project - it became the official owner of the prestigious award. A few days ago from the representatives of the "Guinness World Records" has received an official confirmation of the players set a world record of the project. Warface became the champion in the category "The largest number of players that are simultaneously on the same server online shooter." The record was recorded in January. On that day, January 26, on...
Thumb lineage 2 na na angloyazychnyh serverah prazdnuyut 9 letie igry 276411
Yes, tomorrow, 28 April, at the English-speaking servers Lineage 2 is going to mark the 9th birthday of the project. Team publishers appealed to players who would like to join the celebration of this event, so they proceeded to the location Fantasy Isle. After all, it is here and will hold the event dedicated to the event. Representatives of the team of developers will visit 5 game servers. And players will get valuable buffs lasting one hour from GM'ov game. In...
Thumb google glass novye tehnicheskie parametry 78406
On the Internet, to the extent that, as developers began working with Google Glass, appear one after the other all the new technical parameters gadget. As it became known earlier from official sources, your computer is provided with a display whose resolution is 640 x 360 pixels, has 16 gigs of storage (twelve available) and a 5-megapixel camera. According to the developers, these glasses are handled by the operating system of Android 4.0.4 Ice Cream Sandwich. The basis of the computer...
Thumb battlefield 4 igra mozhet uvidet svet v posledniy den oktyabrya 852241
As we learned recently, shooter Battlefield 4 may appear on sale on October 31. Make such findings makes information written on the billboard, whose recently published a photographic portal users BF4Central. This Cross-platform computer game in the genre of first-person shooter, the 11th in a series of games Battlefield, DICE are developing for the PlayStation 3, Xbox 360, Windows, and PlayStation 4. Despite the fact that she declared for them, most do not doubt that Battlefield 4 may also appear on...
Thumb dragon nest 2 vyshlo ofitsialnoe ob yavlenie o razrabotke igry 386948
From the president of Shanda Games received confirmation that the process of developing Dragon Nest 2 has begun. In addition, he argues that the continuation of the popular online toy will not be eating cartoon graphics in favor of a style that is more realistic visually. A second difference Dragon Nest 2 from its predecessor is that it is - a completely open game world. To date, Dragon Nest 2, according to the president of Shanda Games, resides in a rather...

About the project

MMOVOTE.RU - portal which includes a rating and the announcement of the popular online game servers: World of Warcraft, Lineage 2 and Aion.

Different from other weight ratings, the main:
- We do not sell the place and voice in our rating, as they are very difficult to cheat and we constantly monitor for this.
- Payout % of SMS per server to administrators.
- Instantly receive data through the vote callback script.
- We are always ready to listen to your ideas, suggestions and implement them as soon as possible.

All servers are added to our portal, from compulsory moderation.

Our rating will help you find the perfect server for a variety of criteria, such as chronicles server rates the players score, feedback on the project and place in the ratings.

In the ranking, and the announcement involves only active resources, closed or inactive resources will be removed monthly, cleaning after resetting the votes.