This month sold more than 800,000 copies DayZ Standalone

Za mesyats prodano bolee 800 tysyach kopiy dayz standalone 95017
07 January 2014

Bohemia Interactive announced that for the first month managed to sell over 800 thousand sets preorder DayZ Standalone, whose owners are entitled to participate in the alpha test of the game . Thus for the first week broke up 400,000 sets that allowed the game to lead the Christmas sales chart on Steam.

Sales far exceeded the expectations of developers - formerly Project Leader Dean Hall said that if he could sell 250,000 copies of the game for the first three months , it will be a success . In Bohemia assure that the success of the project have a positive impact on the pace of its development and launch date beta test and release may be announced before the end of January.

Source: Games Mail


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