New microarchitecture from Intel Silvermont

Novaya mikroarhitektura ot intel silvermont 683417
11 May 2013

Intel has announced a review of the big mobile processor Atom. In the face of a new micro-architecture, code-named Silvermont we see a major building block in the company's future chips for mobile devices, and automotive mikroserverov IRS. The manufacturer was able to reduce power consumption and significantly improve performance. The company, whose solutions dominating the PC market, is doing everything to the market saw its tablets and smartphones.

Thus, from the micro-chip to be expected Silvermont threefold greater processing capacity in comparison with the generation of chips. And their power consumption at the same time reduced to 5 times.

5 years ago, Intel introduced the mobile processor Atom. Contrary to various improvements, they are not widely used either in smart phones, tablet computers, no.

According to experts of Intel, Silvermont architecture will form the basis of 22-nanometer chips for Bay Trail planned for the second half of this year tablets. Thanks to new technology, the performance of processors used now in tablet computers will increase by 2 times. Plus, the manufacturer wants to use it as a Merrifield chips for smartphones and chips in Avoton for mikroserverov.

By the way, as you may recall, the administration of Intel in April reported the imminent reduction in the cost of devices running Windows 8.

Source: alldirect


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