GTA 5: the network has a video clip advertising the game

Gta 5 v seti poyavilsya video rolik reklamiruyuschiy igru 881712
24 April 2013

Yes, in the active stage now entered the campaign Grand Theft Auto 5. According to one of the users of social networks in Mexico City last weekend was the recording of the following promotional video GTA. Personnel from the shooting of the social network are removed, but you can find them in the internet. Looking at the movie, it seems to us that you will be offered an exciting chase scene with a number of broken machines. When the movie is published by publishers? While none of this says nothing.

Plus everything else, again became active microblog program Epsilon, a sort of parody of the Church of Scientology, which the authors have come up with toys. Most recently, representatives of a fictitious organization posted a screensaver, made on the basis of frames from GTA 5.

Recall that the release of GTA 5 want to hold on September 17. There is no doubt that all forward naimasshtabneyshaya game of all time series. According to the story, we learn about the history of the three main characters, constantly gets involved in criminal risky adventures.

Now the game was announced for the PS3 and Xbox 360. Alas, nothing is known yet about the terms of the game's release on the PC.

Source: games mail


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