Dark Souls 2: the makers to pay more attention to the PC-version of the project

Dark souls 2 sozdateli udelyat bolshe vnimaniya pc versii proekta 951404
14 April 2013

In an interview that was given to Internet portal, the creators of Dark Souls team recognized the two - there are no words how awful PC-port of the original. The developers have assured his audience that they will not repeat the same mistakes with the sequel. This time they, no doubt, will pay more attention to the PC-version. She went into the situation with Dark Souls is much later than the console, but the moment the development runs parallel to each platform. And, as said game director Yu Tanimura, PC-let the players do not doubt the quality of the project.

As you may remember, is not so successful porting of the original on the PC was mainly due to the fact that From Software initially were not going to let in light PC-version of the project. But the players who insisted on it, signed in January last year the petition. And what is the result? They got a "raw" console port. And dozens of user patches needed before the players were able to play without a problem on a computer in one of the most complicated role-playing games.

Ate to speak about the development of Dark Souls 2 sites for a new generation of specialists From Software does not keep as long as the plans to do so. And in a further interview to another site Tanimura told that at the moment the studio believes that much higher priority now provide toys fans quickly provide a new project while working on next-gen-variations do not contribute to it.

Source: games mail


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