The Lord of the Rings Online: known the outcome of the game in the last fan art contest

Vlastelin kolets onlayn izvestny itogi proshedshego v igre konkursa fan arta 762859
11 April 2013

As we recall, on March 21 in the group games started VKontakte fan art contest. The site of the multiplayer game the other day summed it up. The jury members met with a lot of them submitted to the court papers of different levels.

Faithful users are happy to participate in this contest, without fear for their future, because, as we see many of them are people who are really talented. On canvas and paper, on napkins or video monitors, they have represented a variety of your fantasies. They have found the flesh of joyless trolls, beautiful elf, brave Hobbits. It is evident to all that, no matter how they proceeded trail dreams of Middle-earth people who can push the boundaries of this mysterious world, a lot.

Contest organizers have arranged things so that the competition was held in several categories. In each of them, and it was such a nomination, as computer graphics and drawing on canvas / paper, the judges chose three winners. They would get to 5000 marks, and a unique driving horse for their characters. On top of everything else, the organizers of the competition were awarded several works whose authors shall have an incentive bonus of 2500 marks. All the details of the outcome of the contest can be seen on the website of the game, as well as with the work of the players.
Source: medinfo


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