World of Darkness Online: yhru pokazhut at Fanfest

World of darkness online igru pokazhut na fanfest 104366
04 March 2013

You remember, kak in October 2011 SUMMARY SSR gatherings on sokraschenye svыshe of 100 collaborators of American podrazdelenyya include rabotavshyh of the World of Darkness Online. Nothing ostavalos fans and cult settynha and rolevoy system, kak zaunыvat krepko. Team CREATOR zaveryala, that No one zakroet project. Mol, oboshlys only themes, that just ysklyuchyly ego of the immediate priorities of.

But These words in the language translates into mutnыy business oznachayut Miscellaneous things. CSE azartnыy people and fell in pessymyzm. But, sort of, he was a chrezmernыm. It seems, that pryorytetы SSR Now, when EVE Online again in good shape, and DUST 514 Postal order, newly returned blahosklonno k "Peace tmы."

Hylmar Pétursson, CEO yslandtsev, described the in a single of svoyh interview at any secrets poznakomyv yhrovuyu obschestvennost s nekotorыmy Sacrament vampyrskoy MMO-pesochnytsы. Thus, a situation is something more than optymystychna, thank vo many ways pessymystycheskoy restrukturyzatsyy 2011, on opinion boss, zateyavsheho her.
Developers, sobrav Build, testyruyut ego ext. Regarding problems with dystsyplynoy, the vicar Some pereyhrыvayut in WoD Online. Although it - Detail. Here Somehow Does anyone perezhyvut problems with dystsyplynoy SSR Council "vampires online!"

Source: Stop Game


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