World of Warcraft: Adventures in Pandarus nearing completion

World of warcraft priklyucheniya v pandarii podhodyat k zaversheniyu 919621
03 March 2013

In an interview, lead designer of the popular project quests Dave Kosak told about what the game will be in the near future. It turns out that the point in the history of Pandarus should put the main novelty - update 5.2, now undergoing testing on the test server project.
WoW fans rejoice new adventure plot, with 12 giant raid bosses, many different variations of the game mechanics. Finally have the opportunity to live pandarenov alone - the continent after the death of the Lord of Thunder nothing should threaten.

But, as of the end of the whole se storyline Addon Mists of Pandaria, no one says. The fact that the event will be moved back to Azeroth. Players expect no less than two story updates. And finish the siege of Orgrimmar, it's the change of power will result in the Horde. By the way, do not forget to mention here, and its new leader - the blood elf Lor'termara Theron.

True, all that will happen in the next update will address not only the Horde. Thus, the appearance of the players awaiting incarnation of evil in mythology pandarenov represented the 7th Sha. Therefore, in the same Pandarus are new developments. So Dave has promised that he would return to the history of races Blood Elves and Draenei, which were a bit forgotten in recent times.

Source: Games Mail


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