Thumb vinchester s 4 tb predstavila seagate 600046
Hard drives on the market again replenished. SeagateTechnology firm announced new products for computers. This is - as much chetyrehterabaytny Winchester SeagateDesktopHDD 4TB. With such a huge capacity, this hard drive will be in demand and work for your data, and of course, home to store everything that is scattered on laptops, smartphones, and in general the whole heap info laying discs. Representatives of the firm announced a new and unique in this segment, the decision to a computer system -...
Thumb world of warplanes pozdravlyaem s novoy letnoy modelyu 814142
Not so long ago the company released its latest Wargaming blog developers of this interesting multiplayer games. In his video project developers share secrets in the creation of different chips in play, as well as about the improvement, which affected various aspects of online fighter aircraft, including the graphics, controls and flight model. Wargaming introduced the gaming community with a major update for the closed beta World of Warplanes. Team of creators called patch 0.4.0 crucial in the history of the...
Thumb age of conan ezdovye zmei i novye forumy aoc 778697
According to information from the creators of Age of Conan, the team was delayed a bit with the introduction of the project sled kites (talking about the three versions Yothian War Mare serpent mount) and improvements group instance Sepulcher of the Wyrm. Pause prosaic reason - it has led to a restructuring of Funcom, as well as developers move to the new office. So far, the creators did not call the exact release day patch with content, which is written above....
Thumb lineage ii administratsiya igry posvyatila etot ivent dnyu zaschitnika otechestva 706080
A few more days - and come spring. And what does this mean? Otomi that winter ends! And it confirms the well-respected and beloved holiday - Defenders of the Fatherland. Event in honor of this event, the administration of the Russian version of the Fatherland games decided by tradition to take place between 19-26 February. We all want the opportunity during this time to acquire weapons of Sealed Power Hero. Buy it for 10,000 Adena may have NPC NPC, whose name...
Thumb zaryadka akkumulyatora za desyat minut da eto realno 638047
What is the battery, they know everything. And the fact that they are almost all current Soup, also do not have to write. It - from CellPhones and to the car. And they now have lithium-ion, lithium polymer and lithium any other. And, in all good, those same batteries are also some bad. And we know that one of the latest is the aging, degradation, limited supply of charge / discharge cycles. Another minus - it's a long time to charge....
Thumb world of tanks interesnye novosti 627736
Received from the company interesting news on MMO World of Tanks. On the official website of the game talked about that today, February 19, will be unfrozen global map. The team has corrected the procedure of removing chips when a player leaves a clan, set a specific time each province started the rebellion. The changes were made and the conditions for applying for a landing in the rebellious province. In addition, since the day the developers launched in test mode,...
Thumb destiny v etom godu v prodazhu ne vypustyat 780019
In the global network only and are talking about an ambitious online shooter. Every day there are more and more details about the last presentation. In any case, the rumors that Destiny will be on store shelves in the second half of this year, dispelled, because they have not substantiated. And hastened to refute the assumption of some analysts and online shopping game publishers. The company is not yet ready to announce the exact date of launch Destiny. To date, all...
Thumb tanki onlayn igroki protiv apdeyta 232298
February 12 in the online browser game update came out 123. The changes in the economics of the project, the balance of the awarding of the match finished, caused outrage among players. This topic was discussed on the official forum of the project, and when it grew, it was closed administrators.   It turns out that the developers have decided to revise this patch distribution system of awards for recouping the match. Before the upgrade three of the best participants of...
Thumb opisanie igry grepolis 265741
MMORPG like this especially to those who are interested in the civilization of the ancient Greeks, who enjoys Greek culture and legends. Will please fans of the game and strategy - military and economic. Grepolis has an excellent mechanics and comfortable interface, balanced economic system and balanced system of diplomacy. The draft strategy fans will find everything to do with the gradual development of settlements and military force, military alliances and espionage, collecting resources and global conflict. Plus, in this wonderful...

About the project

MMOVOTE.RU - portal which includes a rating and the announcement of the popular online game servers: World of Warcraft, Lineage 2 and Aion.

Different from other weight ratings, the main:
- We do not sell the place and voice in our rating, as they are very difficult to cheat and we constantly monitor for this.
- Payout % of SMS per server to administrators.
- Instantly receive data through the vote callback script.
- We are always ready to listen to your ideas, suggestions and implement them as soon as possible.

All servers are added to our portal, from compulsory moderation.

Our rating will help you find the perfect server for a variety of criteria, such as chronicles server rates the players score, feedback on the project and place in the ratings.

In the ranking, and the announcement involves only active resources, closed or inactive resources will be removed monthly, cleaning after resetting the votes.