Dead Space 3 players waited for the U.S. release of the project. Coming soon - Russian release

Igroki dead space 3 dozhdalis amerikanskogo reliza proekta skoro rossiyskiy reliz 897953
06 February 2013

Just in these days in the United States on sale there was a shooter Dead Space 3. By the studio Visceral Games created it in versions for PC, PS3 and Xbox 360. And on February 7, the Russian release of the game is scheduled.

Meanwhile, recently became aware of the demo version of the game has been downloaded about two million users. By the way, this is almost 10% more than it was with the number of downloads demos previous version two. Another record was broken on Dead Space 3 Dead Space 2 - the number of pre-orders. Due to the excellent dynamics, the publisher, ogomnye pinned hopes on the project, has decided to develop the series further.

Fans of the game are already familiar with the series of comics, animated films and novels that developers have created by putting in their event-based game. So, Dead Space 3 plot develops in this way. Engineer Isaac Clarke and soldier John Carver, hardened in battles, you need to go on the ice planet Tau Volantis. The purpose of the visit - the truth about the origin of the Necromorphs. Acceptance of the planet is very severe, but because the ship of our heroes gets tough. Isaac, lost no time in making quick raid in the neighborhood, to find material and details. After all, they need to create and modify weapons and their means of survival in such difficult conditions for the hard of the virtual world. Isaac knows that he is here for all put an end to such creatures as the Necromorphs that threaten humanity.

Source: AG


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