"The Witcher 3" completes favorite series

Vedmak 3 zavershaet lyubimyy serial 107229
06 February 2013

It is learned from Adam Badovsky, head of studio CD Projekt, the game "The Witcher 3: The Wild Hunt" will be the completion of adventures that battered the share of permanent main character show. As Adam complained, people often asked - Geralt of Rivia - in fact be the last of "The Witcher". As a result, he said, yes, yes, it will.

Meanwhile, the role-play with a huge open the virtual world of the witcher Geralt just announced these days. The game world, now called "The Witcher 3: The Wild Hunt," was planned to be 20 percent more than in Skyrim. To its intersection riding need 30-40 minutes of real time. By the way, you've been paying attention to the words of riding? After all, our hero had hitherto walked everywhere on foot.

Head of the company, saying the motives which prompted the studio to cover the hero, who, in fact, made her famous, said shortly. The team decided to complete the story on a high syllable. At this point, technology has such a level that, at last, as the team will talk about the adventures of the White Wolf, as it was originally intended, in a world in which the team and see. Adam Badovsky proves that it's - the best in the world of fantasy RPG. Yes, children do not have invented a story about Geralt. But ... they want to write about the new characters, new worlds and horizons.

Source: GamesMail


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