In World of Warsraft be a new class of "Ninja"

V world of warsraft poyavitsya novyy klass nindzya 211478
06 February 2013

Recently it became known that the World of Wacraft new class Ninja, with the possibility of escape and stealth. Guys you have believed? Of course this is a joke, which already belongs to an existing class thief, but many a true word is spoken in jest. Recently learned that in the coming 5.2 update will be a new variation of the robbers shot throwing, so thieves and will look like a ninja. What will make this new version of the cast?

Applying throw robber instantly cause damage and will be able to conduct attacks ranged in 10 seconds. How robber curled cause damage from attack power, and the speed of the attack speed of your character. This cast will be worth a total of 20 energy, besides each roll will gain one combo water them, in addition to a high probability of infection by any of the poisons spread on daggers.

I think the representatives of RDA classes are not very happy with this development, as the robber so all RDD class comes and comes on the heels of all the add-ons and patches, and now he will be able to beat in the distance.

Source: Allinfowow


For review form


Poster: MaxfirePro, 17 February 2013 11:46:17

В пандарии единственное что норм это пве контент а остальное уг


Poster: Mokriy, 8 February 2013 02:34:51

wow с выходом пандарии окончательно умер и уже воняет в моих глазах как игрока который играл еще с класика, это чисто мое ИМХО прошу не принимать сильно к сердцу

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