Three OSes in one tablet

Tri operatsionki v odnom planshete 547760
28 May 2013

The plates are on the operating system Android, there are on of Windows, on Linux and on the other, except, of course, the exotic. But with three in one tablet - it is really a wonder for us. Although the Italians so, apparently, do not think. The company has released a new product Ekoore with three OS - Ubuntu 13.04, Android 4.2 and has a full version of Windows 8.

Dual booting a good PC - not news to us. But to realize the triple, and even in a mobile device with limited RAM? And, what can I say - with a deficit of shared memory on a 128 GB SSD. I wonder why the base komplektatsiya32 GB?

Runs the entire computer Intel Celeron 847, two cores at 1.1GHz. Graphics supports Intel HD Graphics. RAM - up to eight GB. Touch matrix 11.6 d can be used with a docking station with a keyboard, extra batteries, and two USB ports, Ethernet port has. Communication is provided by means of communication Wi-Fi, 3G, Bluetooth, GPS. The system is built-in accelerometer. Here is some information you have presented, and it is necessary or not necessary - you decide!

This device is at home in the United States 600E is $ 770. The docking station is 140 euros.

Source: 3dnews


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Poster: Praid123, 30 May 2013 06:53:16

Я думаю он может заинтересовать людей которые занимаются бизнесом он будет очень удобен в использовании в таких условиях, ну а простым пользователям планшетов подойдет и обычный)

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