Wireless communications repeater will increase the coverage of the access point

Besprovodnyy retranslyator svyazi uvelichit pokrytie tochki dostupa 522638
25 May 2013

American multimedia company with a bright name Diamond Multimedia introduced to the market for network communications in the face of novelty becprovodnogo repeater connection Wi-Fi DIAMOND WR300NSI, with a new developing wireless standard 802.11n.

Download speed of this device 300Mbps, which means that end users will be able to operate at speeds of more than 160Mbps, which is about 6 times the speed of the connection in the standards 802.11a and 802.11g. In this combined support for the specification and the availability of nest 802.11b/g/n Ethernet 10/100Base-T.

This device combines both functions of the role of the access point and the bridge, providing a further increase in the coverage within thirty meters. In WR300NSI not using the power adapter plugs directly into the relay socket. Using the device in the blind spots not covered by the main router, we increase the coverage area. If you use the "bridge" is inverse - wireless Wi-Fi in the c-wire port Ethernet. And it can be a computer, TV or other device.

Data protection is provided by the network WEP (64 and 128 bit), WPA and WPA2 encryption. Added to this is the presence of a new LED signal strength indicator, which is easier to work with the choice of location of the device.

The price of this device WR300NSI - $ 50

Source: HWP


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