Intel has abruptly changes plans for the future of its processors.

Kompaniya intel rezko menyaet plany na buduschie svoih protsessorov 349991
18 February 2013

Long ago, in November 2012, Intel announced the news of the release of the new Itanium processor on the new generation of Series 9500, which were code-named Poulson, and have been specifically designed for high-end computers. These processors are manufactured with 32 nanometer technology. This processor will have 8 cores, but it is expected that will be replaced by a new processor core Itanium Kittson. But earlier, Intel planned that processors built on the Itanium Kittson will be transferred to other production methods, but it now appears that the technology will be as 32 nm and did not change. In short, the new processor will be a clone of the old one, but a little more powerful. It was also known at first that processors built on the Itanium Kittson will be compatible with socket processor Xeon, but Intel has changed their minds and the processor socket inherit from Poulson.

So, to conclude, we can say that all of these changes will be talking about, which is near completion on the core line of processors Itanium, especially since Intel is initially experienced problems with the processor. So let's say that the CPU was not very successful and is now mainly used in high-end Integrity servers from HP.

Source: compulenta


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