World of Warcraft player peaked at the start location

Igrok world of warcraft dostig maksimalnogo urovnya v startovoy lokatsii 100778
25 June 2014

Almost two years were spent player World of Warcraft under the pseudonym Doubleagent out to achieve the maximum level of comfort of the starting area. Doubleagent plays shaman Pandaren - representatives of this race some time after the start of the game must choose the side of the Alliance or the Horde. Our hero wants to remain neutral - and because of limitations in the game mechanics was trapped in the starting area.

Doubleagent did not lose heart - he completed the starting quests, and then continued to gain experience, extracting ore and minerals. By mid-March it reached level 85, becoming a hero news sites. Then Doubleagent stated that the remaining five levels he will take about four months - but, as we see, eventually coped somewhat faster.

Source: Games Mail


For review form


Poster: Вепа Оразов, 4 September 2014 04:35:35

Да он скорей задолбался от бг,рейдов,инстов всяких,вот и решил пробнуть что то новое и очень даже хорошо,зато прославился немного)))И не стоит обвинять его в задродстве)


Poster: Millka, 22 July 2014 16:39:26

Пацану респект , вообще красава !!


Poster: wel, 21 July 2014 13:21:52

красава чувак


Poster: mornil, 15 July 2014 20:06:53

на самом деле задрот


Poster: Nevermind333, 15 July 2014 11:09:11

Омг,это же надо быть таким выдерженым!


Poster: fireelove, 12 July 2014 23:33:20

нормальный пацан ))


Poster: Денисн, 11 July 2014 14:55:33



Poster: nibjeki, 9 July 2014 14:24:48

тут уже нужен психиатр!


Poster: Hrest, 25 June 2014 16:03:35

Ебаный задрот

Last edited 25 June 2014 16:03:52

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