In Diablo 3 auction disabled

V diablo 3 otklyuchili auktsion 165615
19 March 2014

In Diablo 3 today permanently disabled both auction - both in-game currency , and for real money. The deployment of new products already prohibited , and those bets that are made will exist until June 24 . The decision was made to close the auction last year , but the company has left time for players to complete all economic affairs .

Blizzard acknowledged that the decision to add in Diablo 3 auction was a mistake . It was originally planned that the auction , players can sometimes buy and sell their valuables for game currency or real money . But in reality it was over the fact that many players began to hold the auction almost longer than the game itself - " catching " valuables , both for his character and for resale . In the same Blizzard does not want to turn the game into a simulator of the auction, and therefore it was decided to stop its work.

Source: Games Mail


For review form


Poster: st1ng, 27 March 2014 20:57:38

Пуканы донатерам разорвало


Poster: Aggressore, 23 March 2014 08:18:14

туда ему и дорога, это только +

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