In ArcheAge Russian defeated the strongest boss

V russkoy archeage pobedili samogo silnogo bossa 427147
05 March 2014

Just two weeks after the launch of the Russian version of the largest ArcheAgeodna guilds server " Lucius » - Rise - won the most powerful boss of the game , a sea dragon Kraken. The battle lasted several hours, and in the battle involved nearly all the players guild. Detailed account of the battle can be read at this link.

Russian version of ArcheAge earned 16 February to early access customers sets , and February 22 - for everyone. This is a large-scale MMORPG in which you can do almost everything, anything - to participate in large-scale battles between guilds , build their own home , beat garden, treasure hunt , etc.

Source: Games Mail


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Poster: Defectoscopist, 5 March 2014 19:01:48

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