Blizzard talked about instant leveling in WoW

Blizzard rasskazali o momentalnoy prokachke personazha v wow 914796
27 February 2014

Players who take advantage of the momentary pumping function of the hero in World of Warcraft, then still have to spend some time on it to open access to all its skills. As explained in the Blizzard, if the player immediately to give the finished character level 90 , it just confused in dozens of skills and not be able to effectively manage their wards .

Therefore, the developers decided to " simulate " the process of leveling hero, reducing it to a matter of hours . Character will start with a few basic skills , the amount of which will go up . Thus, the player gradually get acquainted with all the features of the hero, in a relaxed environment you understand why you need every skill .

Pumping function of instant hero to the maximum level 90 will appear in the World of Warcraft at the same time with the start of pre-sales additions Warlords of Draenor. Will be free to raise the level of one hero , and have to pay for extra $ 60 ( approximate price ) .

Source: Games Mail


For review form


Poster: antoel, 2 April 2014 16:57:44

айда все на циркл кому не то, в лк


Poster: gaydamakooleg, 9 March 2014 08:09:47

Зачем тогда оф-сайт с такими "услугами", если те мже условия на пиратках?


Poster: Creedy, 1 March 2014 10:31:20

всему приходит конец. хотя, мб близард одумается, но уже, видимо, поздно


Poster: Karruters, 28 February 2014 01:28:22

абсолютно другая игра я начинал еще в европе играть


Poster: Benito, 27 February 2014 20:51:34

Честное слово дебилизм, тот варкрафт о котором я узнал в 2008 году совсем уже не тот, неужели так тяжело понять, что чем проще игра тем неинтереснее... Как вспомню времена БК, где кровью и потом добывалась каждая вещь...эх...


Poster: aleksandr19947, 28 February 2014 01:25:15

согласен...wow уже не тот(((

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