Beta Titanfall attracted over two million players

Beta titanfall sobrala bolee dvuh millionov igrokov 481301
23 February 2014

The Community Manager Respawn Abby Happy boasted that in a recent beta test Titanfallprinyalo attended by over two million players. Developers are quite active participants beta - was revealed quite a lot of new bugs to be fix for those with a small two weeks remaining before the game's release .

Titanfall - futuristic shooter for the PC, Xbox 360 and Xbox One of the creators of the series Call of Duty, focused primarily on the network battle. Converge on the battlefield huge robots , titans and ordinary soldiers . The game will be released on March 11 in the U.S. and March 13 - in Europe

Source: Games Mail


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Poster: Karruters, 24 February 2014 08:08:05


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