Team play The Repopulation summarized the first month of the new year

Komanda igry the repopulation podytozhila rezultaty pervogo mesyatsa novogo goda 827671
05 February 2013

The developers of this brand new massively multiplayer online role-playing game from the Above and Beyond Technologies, complete this project in a science fiction styling, recently introduced to the gaming world with the report. In it, they reported about the results of which were conducted in January of the new year. Expanding literally on the shelves, they are quite specifically showed the team what worked in the past month.

So they created a system of almost anew interface and himself. Players will now be able to change the window, resize them. However, the developers did not think to stop there. At the moment they are actively pursuing work on the interface. So, already brought to an end the system of secrecy and stealth system, it now sees many different factors. In addition, the composers will enjoy a great range of new tracks that accompany the players in the virtual game world.

Following a discussion on the forum, the makers have decided to add to the game flashlight. They also increased the number of randomly generated missions. Players will appreciate the fact that were added to the first-person, special perks to military skills, as well as medical drone. With the latter, by the way, the developers have decided to create a special NPC support, that is, something like companions. By the way, after all these procedures has increased the staff - were recruited three other developers.

Source: SuperMMO


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