Rust was removed from all the zombies

Iz rust udalili vseh zombi 201126
11 February 2014

The latest patch for the online game Rust removed from the project zombies - they are temporarily replaced by bears and wolves . Developers explained that this was done by the numerous requests of players , but it is obvious that companies are trying to distance the game DayZ, who became the founder of the genre " survival online world full of zombies ."

In explanation also says that bears and wolves - a temporary replacement zombies. Now companies are coming up with new enemies , the occurrence of which could better explain the cataclysm that occurred in the world of Rust.

News about the release of patch scored over a thousand comments , and among the players there is no consensus , the decision whether they like it or not. Virtually all unhappy bears and wolves , considering their opponents at least strange . But many say that they like in the first place that Rust - is a game about survival, so they will not mind if instead of zombies will appear , for example , mutants .

Source: Games Mail


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