Release Date Watch Dogs and other news of the day

Data reliza watch dogs i drugie novosti dnya 308947
06 February 2014

Portuguese shop appointed release Watch Dogs on April 30 , Steam launches beta music player, and Rockstar bosses will be put into the Hall of Fame video games.

The site appeared Portuguese Fnac store possible release date Watch Dogs. The data presented on the page of the game , it should go to buyers April 30. Perhaps this means that the release will take place a few days earlier , and then leave some time for delivery. Or maybe just come up with all the Portuguese .

Steam announced the imminent start of the test function Steam Music, which adds built- in music player and allows you to control the music directly from the game . First beta will be available to users of Big Picture and devices SteamOS, and then everything else.

Source: Games Mail


For review form


Poster: old_major, 7 February 2014 14:49:30

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Poster: Karruters, 7 February 2014 11:28:19

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