New Windows may submit in April

Novuyu windows mogut predstavit uzhe v aprele 877493
13 January 2014

According to rumors , the conference BUILD ( held from April 2 to 4 ) Microsoft will demonstrate Windows version 9 for software developers , delivery of which will begin immediately after the event. The same source states that the testing of the new operating system, the company plans to spend a year , releasing Windows 9 in April.

Note that Windows 8 came out three years after the release of its predecessor (October 2009 and October 2012) , and in the case of Windows 9 , if you believe this rumor , this period is reduced to two and a half years. Microsoft can really take this step due to the low popularity of Windows 8, which has been criticized for an awkward interface and a sufficiently small number of useful new features. Do not like Windows 8 and fans of games - according to Valve, now the operating system uses about 20 % of users of Steam, while on Windows 7 for more than 60 % of the audience .

Source: Games Mail


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