Review of the game Lineage Eternal: Twilight Resistance

Obzor igry lineage eternal twilight resistance 36541
03 February 2013

Do not worry, it's not about the lineup. But what are the most anticipated online toys can not just do without without mmorpg 2013 and without a continuation of the beloved series! However, not everyone understands the end - to what same month and day out game. After all, we even talked about 2014! Who knows when we'll see Lineage Eternal: Twilight Resistance, and the speech of the new massively multiplayer online game, a sequel to Lineage.

But as we can see, a dynamic and rapidly stalaHack & Slash mechanics style Diablo, as the gap distance, and many enchanting attack evasion. You resorted to the defense, attack, and special functions using symbols drawn with the mouse, you can find them unusual. But, as solemnly swear developers, the reaction rate will not affect the win.

We understand that the cult TV series online game Lineage soon find its continuation in a new world Lineage Eternal: Twilight Resistance. Its events take place in two hundred years after the events of the first part happened Lineage. And this information specialists voiced CSoft, speaking at the exhibition GStar. It turns out that the differences of the new game will be serious, because Lineage this time is going to be in perspective.

As it turns out, Lineage Eternal is a brand new game from the company NC Soft, it has in common with previous projects series - only the world of Aden. The project is designed in the style of double. He is very different from the early projects of the series. What is a new online game Lineage Eternal? Examples of call-style combat mechanics Action, destruction, sea rivals in a spirit of Diablo 3, and so on.

Besides, we know that the players in Lineage Eternal: Twilight Resistance can begin to travel not less than one class - or as a warrior, mage or archer-elementalist.

It should be noted that this is a - the same line, in which all the characters can find themselves in the role of savior of the world, and therefore you should not think that the plot will be a lot of sharp turns. Lineage has always been known by other parameters.

Contrary to what the Lineage servers and now have no problems in terms of attendance, the project still too old. He needs a complete replacement and extension.

Despite statements by the siege, despite the stated importance of groups and PK-activity, the developers promise that otherness of the previous one. And yet it is hoped that the Lineage Eternal: Twilight Resistance - is a worthy continuation of the legendary and original series, which became a cult for fans of the project.

As they say, the game will be released in 2014.


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