Valve will release an operating system for games

Valve vypustit operatsionnuyu sistemu dlya igr 445087
24 September 2013

Valve has announced SteamOS - a special operating system , with access to computer games that leave the limits of the traditional PC and propishutsya on a perfectly suitable for family entertainment television. The basis of the operating system is the architecture of Linux, as adapted to the game problems .

In Valve doing their best to " move " to the new device was as painless as possible . With SteamOS any game from the directory , you can run on your computer , and then " throw " the image of the connected over Wi-Fi TV . The company is now actively working with developers so they adapted the game to new, previously unfamiliar , playback devices .

In this SteamOS conceived as the most open platform . The operating system is completely free , which certainly makes it popular among the producers of "smart" TVs. Another feature - the open-source. Anyone will be able to modify SteamOS to fit your needs - so that over time, the operating system probably will appear on a variety of devices such as tablets or dedicated gaming consoles.

SteamOS - only the first of three important announcements of the company, so that Valve plans to fully appreciate it is difficult . The following announcement is waiting for us 46 hours - so stay tuned!

Source: games mail


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