Sony can provide a virtual reality helmet next year

Sony mozhet predstavit shlem virtualnoy realnosti v sleduyuschem godu 884595
04 September 2013

Eurogamer reports that Sony can provide a virtual reality helmet for the PlayStation 4 next year. The company closely follow the progress of Oculus Rift and prepare your own device. In Eurogamer noted that one of the companies developing games for the PlayStation 4 - Evolution Studios (authors DriveClub) - incorporates a team of Worldwide Studios Stereoscopic 3D, since 2008, working on virtual reality systems. The prototype device is ready and tested in a racing simulator DriveClub - there helmet helps to rotate the head while sitting in the driver's seat of the car. According to Eurogamer, the unit was scheduled to premiere at the exhibition Gamescom, but at the last moment, the company has decided to postpone its announcement of the next year.

The publication noted that several years ago, Sony has released a virtual reality helmets HMZ-T1 and HMZ-T2 for the PlayStation 3, with the help of which you can watch movies and play games. However, poor quality and high price ($ 1000) prevented these devices become popular.

Source: games mail


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