Improves the response of brain pacemaker gamer

Mozgovoy elektrostimulyator uluchshaet reaktsiyu geymera 76881
25 May 2013

At the site of one of the companies had an interesting novelty - a device that increases a person's reaction, in this case - to the game. The technology is based on the method of simulation of transcranial electric shock, and the assurance of experts is harmless and painless. Because electric current to the electrodes - it is no more than two miles / amps.

The device is a plastic ring that you wear on your head. It has four sensor, which are sent directly to the brain electrical impulses are able to stimulate and enhance the reaction rate and the player. The developers recommend the session to produce no more than ten minutes. And then he added that the effectiveness and harmlessness is not yet fully proven, however, the opposite - too. So, it is not necessarily clothed with a hoop, it is enough for about ten minutes and nastimulirovatsya - forward to the game!

At the moment, this device sells for $ 250. Present and voting age - 18 years or older. Also, there are contra-indications in the form of mental disorders and epilepsy.

Source: bagnet


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