AMD: Tablets days numbered?

Amd dni planshetov sochteny 849043
15 May 2013

Yes, it soon will be so - such as Apple iPad tablets will soon replace the hybrid vehicles. In any case, such a thought adheres Andrew Muscat, Head of Retail Business Development AMD in Britain. This can happen in a couple of years. At AMD, think that modern tablets left a bit, they will replace the hybrid devices such as notebook HP Envy x2.
Muscat told reporters the other day about the limitations that hybrid devices are able to overcome, no matter how in demand in the market modern devices.

 Now the work of hybrid devices built entirely on the management of Windows 8, which has helped the opportunity to combine the platform touch interface and the traditional desktop environment.

He assured that the demand will change soon, the market will begin to develop confidence in the direction of vehicles that will help to make tablets from laptops. According to Mr Muscat, the current trend towards increasingly rely on cloud services on mobile devices is also significantly affects the development of devices that we use today. Now the development of cloud technology in the mobile electronics (primarily in the area of ​​tablets and laptops) is becoming more tangible. As an example of the intentions of the company to make its software in service on request, he gave her a subscription and Microsoft Office 365, Adobe Creative Cloud plus, etc.

As a result, said the head of AMD, the reality will be to reduce load on the CPU and the increasing demand for energy-efficient chips that have powerful graphics used in the processing of multimedia data used by users.

Source: 3dnews


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