Mighty Pen tablets and electronic ruler Napoleon

Pero dlya planshetov mighty i elektronnaya lineyka napoleon 872671
08 May 2013

Not so long ago, the annual conference of MAX. This event is for the company Adobe was the occasion for the premiere of the next generation of its software and hardware demonstration of the first developments.
A few words about the first new product. It's about the touch sensitivity re Project Mighty.
Creators dedicate it to tablets, whose settings are stored in the cloud. The company showed Mighty work with iPad (connection via Bluetooth LE). This pen is distinguished from other products of this type of closer integration with the graphics software Adobe. By storing the settings in the cloud, leaving the dependence on a particular instance of the program and the tablet. By the way, in the cloud, not all stored in the pen and built-in memory.

A second new product - a line of Napoleon, used in conjunction with a stylus that can help you draw straight lines and circular arcs.
Adobe product is shown in the prototype stage. Although the company is clearly going to bring them to the stage of commercial products.

Source: ixbt


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