Google Glass: the new technical parameters

Google glass novye tehnicheskie parametry 78406
28 April 2013

On the Internet, to the extent that, as developers began working with Google Glass, appear one after the other all the new technical parameters gadget. As it became known earlier from official sources, your computer is provided with a display whose resolution is 640 x 360 pixels, has 16 gigs of storage (twelve available) and a 5-megapixel camera.

According to the developers, these glasses are handled by the operating system of Android 4.0.4 Ice Cream Sandwich. The basis of the computer put 2hyaderny processor TI OMAP 4430 (talking about the same as in the Kindle Fire and the Motorola DROID RAZR). He was unable to determine the clock speed of the processor.

In addition, the developers, it was found that the available memory is 682 megabytes in terms of volume, although, in their opinion, the total amount of it - one gigabyte.

Plus, the known and the fact that the software to Google Glass has managed to get a Root-access. This, according to the hacker, it was not difficult.

Source: onegadget


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