15 game consoles combined in a single system

15 igrovyh pristavok ob edineny v edinuyu sistemu 564139
16 April 2013

In this great design that you see in the photo, is contained system, bringing together fifteen game consoles. Today, many people who think having a head and hands of gold, enough to create a practical device, or bring to mind the already existing gadgets, creating an updated draft. There are those who are able to teach the world anything at all improbable, though not such a practical. One of these craftsmen-modders here for three years now developed this project combined gaming console.

$ 1,075 spent only an inventor, not including the time spent on development, because it, too, can be translated into monetary units. In the united game console he included only a single controller, master controller itself has already become quite a difficult thing. For all electronic content of the device has only one SCART output, and one power supply and switch.

By the way, these physical game consoles, you can play games from eighteen boxes, because Gamecube game launches GameBoy Advance, and on the PS2 you can play with toys on the PS1, Atari 7800 is well combined with the game projects on the Atari 2600. Why Xbox 360 and PS3 not included in the kit? It is known that meter to the author's masterpiece. Well, with a list of video game consoles, which are combined into a single system, and the video with explanations can be found on the network.

Source: security-corp


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