Naikompaktneyshaya backup battery for gadgets

Naikompaktneyshaya rezervnaya batareya dlya gadzhetov 901855
13 April 2013

Recently the company Devotec Industries launched on one of the sites of a new page of its product - Fuel claims to be the world naikompaktneyshey backup battery for gadgets. This new product you can wear even the ring for keys. Hard to imagine, but the device will take even less space than a key.

Thus, the compactness of the new accessory. Its dimensions are said creators were 33 × 22 × 12 mm, and it weighs somewhere grams fourteen. The housing is made of aluminum. Most interior takes lithium-ion battery with 220 mA / h

And this resource will suffice. 2-3 times to call, send a few emails or messages.

With the main unit is connected to the accessory using micro-USB, the port is eligible for many gadgets, but not product Apple. Those who have the iPhone, can use an adapter, or wait until the new items will be released version of the interface Lightning, which already can be expected soon.

Its reserve battery maintains 1-3 months., And then charge it again. You to know about the state of the battery, the battery equipped LEDs. And lest the background discharge, the developers should click on and off.

As for the cost of the gadget, it would leave $ 20.

Source: onegadget


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