Lenovo personally undertake the development of mobile processors

Lenovo lichno vozmetsya za razrabotku mobilnyh protsessorov 203021
03 April 2013

The specialists of the Chinese company Lenovo, one of the naikrupneyshim PC vendors in the world, has begun to develop its own processor for mobile devices. It is known that the use of the new chips will be tested on tablets and smartphones the company a new generation.

The unit of Lenovo, which is developing the chip employs 10 professionals. They say that their number will increase by mid-year to 100. And therefore the manufacturer will be able to completely control everything - and a range of features and capabilities of the product, as well as to expand the range of mobile devices.

Lenovo will launch a processor itself, in the name of independence from suppliers. At the moment of their listed manufacturers Samsung, Qualcomm, etc. The work of smartphones and Lenovo K800 Lenovo K900 is based on the Intel Atom Protsyk and on the x86. Although Samsung has recently refused to supply the Chinese giant to its newest version of the processor Exynos.

As you know, Apple and Samsung may build chips for its equipment, and manufactures chips for Apple mobile devices while Samsung. The other manufacturers mainly use Snapdragon processor from Qualcomm. Not so long ago, HTC of Taiwan is also engaged in the creation of processors, working with ST-Ericsson, etc.

Source: hitech


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