Integrated Graphics Intel Haswell. Details

Vstroennaya grafika intel haswell podrobnosti 155747
01 April 2013

Not so long ago was known some information about the integrated graphics processor Intel Haswell. I must say that the developers used to write only about the fact that video cards can be submitted only by such options as GT2 and GT3. And to date, it appears, the information has become much more. Although it should be added here that the technical side of the issue anywhere so far - molchok!

What We Learned from the reports is the fact that the solution is exactly naimoschneyshim HD Graphics 5200, which refers to the GT3 and which developers have equipped more cache memory. This schedule will be used in high-power processors to four cores. HD Graphics 5100, said to be somewhat weaker, and it will not cache. As for the main use of, she will get it in the ultrabook.

Become more aware of the fact that based on the GT2 will create multiple versions, namely - 3, the graphics subsystem. Experts, treating them in order of performance, they are called in the following order - HD Graphics 4600, HD Graphics 4400 (talking about the same ultrabook) and HD Graphics 4200.

Source: news-iron


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