Unique Samsung SSD drives

Unikalnye ssd nakopiteli samsung 117085
18 March 2013

SSDs are more and more used in computers, notebooks, ultrabooks and tablets. Initially, they were used in tandem with the hard drive, and now - and no hard drive. Their popularity is growing, and this growth is directly related to a high speed, which can not be obtained from mechanical devices - hard drives. While not so long ago and speed hard drive was missing. But the main indicator of its growing popularity is still a decrease in value.

In the market of solid state memory manufacturers much. And the famous and obscure. Even if not all of them produce the product, and other people involved in selling the products under their own brands. But the South Korean giant Samsung after the cessation of production of hard drives to start the development and production of SSD-memory, but most importantly - controllers for them. And on the basis of its own design, producing a different element of solid state memory. Samsung products are now presented with the devices 128, 256, 512 GHB.

Today, solid-state memory SSD Samsung 840 Pro 256GB on the official website Samsunga v costs only U.S. $ 250. It is a pity that while the official home market they are not, although the suppliers of computer components they occasionally appear.

Source: megaobzor


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