Children's tablet Super Paquito

Detskiy planshet super paquito 693774
14 March 2013

The first difference of child device from an adult - it's certainly not a lot of frills or any educational games - in this second difference. So, first it is a safe environment where the child can get just the right, found by spec. add the OS Android 4.0, and it is called MagicOS. Here we reach the heart of the tablet SuperPaquito - shell program from Spanish producers Imaginarium.

By the way it will be said it - not the first "safe" device. Prior to that, is to be made with its iPad censors. But back to the device. Proprietary shell MagicOS - is, in fact, launcher. In it there is a set of programs that replace us with the usual thing in Android. The entire system as it is conventionally divided into panel for parents and children.
Parental input into the settings - only through a password. This panel is used to describe, filtering and time of the selected content. Desktops consist of five categories: Main screen, Artis, iCollege, Recreation and Culture. Special children's programs there is not enough, parents generally have to install them yourself.

But there is a useful application in the form of Rewards, but with not quite clear transfer - Compensation. But the idea is this: does the parent-child task specifying a desired due date. At the end of one of the funds earned ratings as stars.
The average price of the tablet - 13000 p. In our opinion, it is overpriced. Per tablet, which uncoated magicOS, average. But the choice - for you.

Source: 3dnews


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