Tablet for the whole family

Planshet dlya vsey semi 504120
12 March 2013

The company ARCHOS, founded in France in 1988, for the first time in Russia was seen ten years later. Last year, the team introduced the tablet-FamilyPad.

Current presentation FamilyPad 2 - is more technologically advanced by today's standards, the product. Android OS has moved to 4.1 JellyBean. ARMCortexA9 processor replaced with a dual-core 1.6 GHz. Accelerator-GPUARMMali 400.

Externally, the tablet has not changed, it is as straightforward and smooth. Here there is an expansion slot SD, two cameras, two megapixel, three ports - micro USB, full USB and HDMI, and a headphone jack.

A 13.3 inch product weight 1.3kg with the quality of 1280 x 800 pixels has a cradle-foot for desktop viewing. Frankly, this unit is too heavy for a tablet in a pose on his chest. As recommended by manufacturers of this device, it is best used with your family for a party game in which all can participate - both parents and children. Well suited for this multitouch display with ten simultaneous touches.

Nice and convenient tablet and to view the video in high definition. The creators promise that the battery (lithium / polymer) will work ten hours.

Price has not changed and remained the same - 299 EUREKA, which is particularly pleasing.

Source: Newstech


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