OPERATIONAL memory - the only component PC kotorыy co TIME only dorozhaet

Operativnaya pamyat edinstvennyy komponent pk kotoryy so vremenem tolko dorozhaet 573030
05 March 2013

Today, perhaps, in the world of electronic no pryborov in kotorыh in Volume ili ynom form of not attended by áû chypы memory. Here already six years, As the eyes going on in our Development promptly with DDR memory and to nыneshney DDR3. Latest trims memory appeared in the market comparative ago, and for technological process vladeyut Many of the firm.

One representative of most krupnыm on today javljaetsja company Samsung, kotoraja, besides Total, has been pyonerom in the manufacture of chip DDR3. In clubs Manufacturers memory prysutstvuyut else firm Hynix, Micron. To the world market Manufacturers chip memory nykak not mogut WAP íàïðàâëåíèå svoeho development. They are prodolzhayut ostorozhnychat, rasshyryaya lysh segment in the server and a mobile direction. Yes and this is understandable, here Pilgrimage and bыstree Get otdachu on zatrachennыy dollar. Vspomnyte nыneshnyuyu race and nuclei, respectively, promptly and in memory of mobile devaysov.

Rods DDR, DD2 even though i ustarevshye, but not lyshenы vtorychnom demand on the market. Their cost of sostavljaet 15 25dollara per GB. Increase zakupochnыh kontraktnыh prices in DD3 memory hydrogen echoed month continues эtu Trends, nachatuyu in January. Average cost of memory DD3_1600 in four-Giga uvelychylas by 11% and is equal 20dol.
Rods mensheho Volume of uvelychylys in price by 13% = 11dol. SUBMITTED info pokazыvaet clearly, that OPERATIONAL memory remains edynstvennыm component computers, kotorыy co dorozhaet of time only.

Source: Overclockers


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