RuneScape - 20 thousand bots in the game ushly in banks

Runescape 20 tysyach botov v igre ushli v ban 603818
04 March 2013

Developer fэntezyynoy brauzerky RuneScape, kotoruyu davnыm ago already pochytayut for one of the most populyarnыh MMO to light, bring order reshyly Own project. And What is it? This they poluchylos. And not just Excellent and roskoshno! Judge same - lysh one night "ohotы" on hytrыh zolotodobыtchykov in the game brought more than 20,000 zabanennыh akkauntov.

Such a moschnыy raid team sovershyla, prybehnuv rolled Help Novaya prog - RuneScape Botwatch. S ee pomoshchju managed to find, except bots, and Massa tech gamers for whom Using third-party programs became the norm long ago. Total procheho In addition, a team of developers and reported by at volume, that do this, with momentum Normal othovorky by type: "I only put the ads, and moped - not my" not pomohut, because the in the project entered politics nulevoy tolerance.

Well and at last CREATOR onlaynovoy toys, kotoraja else in the past year ripened dvuhsotmyllyonnoy uchetnoy records and affairs here stanovyatsya not better, and vice versa, assured users of, that is it - lysh beginning, Since ÊÎÌÏÀÍÈÈ studio Jagex continues to do everything, When qualitatively uluchshyt karatelnuyu system , rasschytannuyu on searching in the game RuneScape vsevozmozhnыh species bots and farmerov. Between so forth, uluchshennuyu version system will RuneScape Botwatch possible vstretyt on spaces Ineta already in the next months.

Source: World-MMO


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MMOVOTE.RU - portal which includes a rating and the announcement of the popular online game servers: World of Warcraft, Lineage 2 and Aion.

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