Overview Server - Uwow

Obzor servera uwow 910419
02 March 2013

In the second review, we would like to tell you about the server Molten WoW, but decided to postpone it, because the patched server now upgrade to 4.3.4 and adequate evaluation will not work.

According to this story will be about the top 2 server wow in Russia - Uwow.biz

The project has about 3 years, during this period, it has grown from a small server to online up to 500 people in one of the largest projects ever need.
Peak online this winter reached 18000 people.
On uwow there are 14 game worlds, predominantly high rates (x50-Fun), but there are two low rate realms x1 and x2 on Lich and category respectively.
Current statistics available online, you can look at their website

The project team consists of a large number of employees, the active development of the core and the base, but still seemingly programmers lacking when compared to the same Circle, but here and scale a little less.

On the performance of the worlds can talk for a long time, but the project has one distinctive feature, namely the total BG and arena between worlds - a serious plus the whole project.
But there are downsides, very simple and easy PvE scripts bosses far to blizzlike and for frequent loose, PvE players here will simply not interested.
PVP content is high enough, no small role in this is played by the aforementioned cross BG and arenas.

The highest online server x125 wotlk, the peak comes to 5k, but there is the highest latency, which amount to 500 ms, making the game to say the least not very comfortable, on the other worlds in the whole delay is all well and are comfortable enough to play.

Stability realms at a high level, while there are times when they fall frequently, this is generally considered a failure fixes.

The level of support, the situation is about as with Cirlce, many players - and the staff is still not enough, in this regard, you can wait for the answer to your topic or a ticket for a long time.
Bug-tracker is easy to use, there is no division into categories, all REPORTS lie as "a big pile of garbage."

Site clean and simple, but still not enough informative databases, and simply functional.
Personal account is not very good, probably made in haste, lacking a lot of useful functionality.

Donat thrives on the server, perhaps even more than in the Circle in spite of the difference in online, it is always added to all items specific patch, there is no such thing as balance and the fact that this subject can not yet put up for sale.

Now let us briefly about the pros and cons.


- High enough online.
- High performance pvp content.
- Large selection of game worlds based on the version of the game and Reiten.
- Confidence in the future.


- It is not uncommon for high latency worlds.
- Periodically stability issues.
- Not implemented pve content.
- Web part of the project is underdeveloped, lacking a functional.
- Tech. support for a long time answering questions.


Online: 8 out of 10
Variety of worlds: 8 out of 10
Stability: 9 out of 10
Labor: 7 out of 10
Performance: 8 out of 10
Support: 7 out of 10

To sum up:

This project is suitable for those who like PvP, unnecessarily, this part of the game is fairly well developed, and many worlds fit for this rating.
PvE content is developed quite weak, but if you like Freestuff bosses (logs), this server is also for you.

Delay on all worlds except x125 overall level, but there are problems with communication and as a result high ping, apparently the administration should change DC.

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For review form


Poster: Юрий2000, 28 December 2013 13:19:58

Играл два года на х100 и х125. Действительно довольно просто, не интересно из-за этого. Насчет задержки большой не скажу, нормально все было.Многие быстро одевшись по фулу в пве уходят в пвп.


Poster: Dr.Drampir, 28 June 2013 18:45:00

Посоздавали реалмов стоко что ужасс О_о ЗАЧЕМ спрашывается?????


Poster: Dr.Drampir, 28 June 2013 18:43:41

Баговый сервер, раньше играл на нем ето ужасссс :( Незаходил в игру около 6 месяцов ак заблокировали,востановить нельзя:(


Poster: Dohodyaga, 18 April 2013 19:55:45

Плюсы: - Высокая работоспособность pvp контента. Не надо вводить людей в заблуждение,работоспособность класов/спеллов в PVP там далека от высокой


Poster: gogoga21, 18 March 2013 00:15:58

х125 вроде отлично все пашет

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MMOVOTE.RU - portal which includes a rating and the announcement of the popular online game servers: World of Warcraft, Lineage 2 and Aion.

Different from other weight ratings, the main:
- We do not sell the place and voice in our rating, as they are very difficult to cheat and we constantly monitor for this.
- Payout % of SMS per server to administrators.
- Instantly receive data through the vote callback script.
- We are always ready to listen to your ideas, suggestions and implement them as soon as possible.

All servers are added to our portal, from compulsory moderation.

Our rating will help you find the perfect server for a variety of criteria, such as chronicles server rates the players score, feedback on the project and place in the ratings.

In the ranking, and the announcement involves only active resources, closed or inactive resources will be removed monthly, cleaning after resetting the votes.