Rift: Storm Legion installed on Russian servers.

Rift storm legion ustanovlen na russkie servery 269747
18 February 2013

Company Belver, localizer popular MMORPG in Russia, announced the installation on the Russian game servers grandiose additions, which was called the Legion of Storms, which in English sounds - Storm Legion. Buyers have already pre-order to get access to the new product. In it players will meet with two endless continents, new epic story, with four new souls, increased the maximum development of the characters up to level 60, and with the new dungeons, new chronicles, etc. As an update for the other players, the official site launched their sales .

Recall that the output of the English version of Rift: Storm Legion was held last fall. New product added to the project a couple of new ogromennye continents whose size is almost twice as old world game. In each of the four classes has its own branch of development. Users can visit the seven caves, make 3 new raid, pass the New Chronicle. In addition, players will have a lot of tasks, they are waiting for the event, fast raids in every area, faults, voynushki invasion and the powerful bosses.

Then you get into your own little land, having the opportunity to build them their own possessions, as well as to equip them and decorate as desired. His hero from the crowd you can highlight, putting him a unique stylish raincoat is available in this patch. Developers also will lay out and quite a few minor content in the form of puzzles, collections, artifacts, pets and more.

Source: GameStart


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