The new headset ASUS Orion PRO - is a cool sound quality and comfort

Novaya garnitura asus orion pro eto klassnyy kachestvennyy zvuk i komfort 517198
18 February 2013

Not so long ago we wrote about the sound system for your computer. This is a good solution for general listening friends or family. But, what if the toy does not let go, or even still want to listen to your favorite concert, and he, by the assurance of others, already sitting in the liver? Or sitting with friends in Skype, watch and discuss the news. Here and microphone needed. One way out - to get a headset. Experts recommend ASUS Orion PRO.Eto new and original model. Included is an interesting feature - it's an audio processor with a long cable.

Audio processor, which is comparable in size only to that of half a matchbox, has three buttons: on the amplifier, and the other two for the management of the surround sound. Its output - USB. The headset, headband made of high quality plastic. Ear cups with one hundred millimeters in diameter, creating a very high quality sound. In the left ear retractable built-in microphone, and it is very convenient. From the left earphone wire outlet connection, which is also qualitatively made. Soft and strong, its hard to confuse and, especially, to break. This is one of the problem areas all set.

All of it for about two and a half meters, about half a meter - a small pristezhka with volume control and microphone mute. Out - two to three and a half millimeter standard connectors. Headphones connected to the computer or through a standard 3.5mm, or through an audio processor with USB. As a result, you get high-quality sound and comfort!

Source: 3dnews


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