PlayStation 4 from Sony can be much more expensive than originally intended

Playstation 4 ot kompanii sony mozhet stat namnogo dorozhe 757817
18 February 2013

Recently, the issue of video game console PlayStation 4, the hype about its price is even more interesting to all gamers, Sony has announced that the game console can be much more expensive than originally intended by Sony.

Many users and gamers not clear reason for raising the price of this console. But the alleged reason for its high price in the $ 400-500 does exist - it is a very large demand for the console and the strong Japanese yen. In 2006, Sony released the PlayStation 3, the starting price of the model was 50,000 yen, about $ 425, but now 40,000 yen worth $ 425. With such a pricing policy Sony could easily sell its new PlayStation 4 for $ 500 in the U.S. and 500 in Europe. However, there is little hope that the very strong Japanese yen, Sony has to sell hardware at a lower price.

Sony has outlined the release date of its game console PlayStation 4 and if nothing changes, it is already February 20, 2013 you can buy this game console.

This gaming console has a processor AMD SoC, which will contain as much as 8 cores. The console will also have an optical disc drive that supports Blu-ray discs. The good news for gamers that the console will finally run the game in stereo 3D in Full HD quality with 1920 x 1080 dots per inch. Also in this set-top box will be updated controller that adequately replaces the old Dual Shock.

Source: ho soft


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