Royal Quest: game updated and new competition for residents Aura

Royal quest igra obnovlena i novyy konkurs dlya zhiteley aury 389768
17 February 2013

The other day users of the popular online toy gained access to a new update version 0.8.6 with the romantic name. Aura residents celebrate St. Vallin with 12 and right up to the 26th of February. Holiday bonuses are the arrows of love. Dropping out of the monsters, they help restore the health of your selected player.

Thus, strengthening the opposition elements in this world with the attacks on the monster weapon, having the opposite element, gives increased adverse effects. In addition, the improved piece of equipment, the player receives a bonus to the health of his character - the bonus is higher, the greater the improvement. The developers have fixed bugs that appeared in the work of a number of skills classes and guilds. They also changed the conditions and rewards in most of games, and the levels themselves. Weight patch 0.8.6. - Only 245 MB. Its installation is done automatically when you start the client.

Every day in the world of toys come new heroes. Find adventure in the Royal Quest complex. Because the project team, caring about the fate of newcomers, decided to create a guide for them to help make decisions. Step to mastery - so they called the competition, which started a few days ago in the Kingdom. Young to get a prize, and this - Ipad4, must perform the following steps. What? Have a look at the game site. Specify only that are accepted until March 1, 23.59 Moscow.

Source: Royal Quest


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