Lord of the Rings: The mass alterations will not only housing system

Vlastelin kolets massa peredelok predstoit ne tolko zhilischnoy sisteme 837626
16 February 2013

On the official website of the super popular MMORPG executive producer Kate Payts sufficiently detailed answers to the questions posed by the Russian fans of the project. Kate told me that this year has to be redone housing system of "Lord of the Rings Online." The new concept only in the development stage. Therefore nothing specific was said. But a team of developers are going to do everything, but considering the opinion of the players. So we can hope that the housing system will be better.

An integral part in the project will be the horse fights that will enter in the complement of "Riders of Rohan." This innovation will be further developed in the next expansion. That is, we are waiting for new jobs and opportunities. All will be focused on this kind of fighting. The creators have conceived such a raid, where the players fought on horseback. But the task is not easy, because not even sound any promises.

Developers continue to remodel the old content of the project. All their efforts they target only the fact that it was even more fun for users of high level. Say, the same way they have altered a number of instances that are available now and the players level 85. A change PvMP-mode one is not going to.

Source: GamesMail


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