Allods Online: create a new island!

Allody onlayn sozdaem novye ostrova 680300
16 February 2013

Just grandiose plans usually appear in the mind, if your ship was the first time in the open astral. Of course, every day it is impossible to see their implementation. Because not every gamer has a whole team of experienced developers. But the development team of the game to give its users a unique opportunity for those who would like to create own game.

According to the level designers Allods Team, any user can project until February 28 to come up with its astral island. Provided that the description will be different, the idea can be translated into the game, and in the credits, "Allods Online" will be the name of the author's intent. Whatever it was, but the project has a number of requirements. As this is worth it, you need to find it on the website.
Preparing a description of the island, it must be sent to the developers by signing the theme: "Come up with Rage!". Also on the official forum to write your nickname. Authors of the best work after February 28, waiting for rewards in the form of crystals each 2000 award on free servers, or they can play 30 days on the server "Thread of Fate." The team asks that focused more on a good idea - will appreciate it more than a heaped special effects, incredible scenery, titanic scale and unique design elements. Just hit the island of originality and fit perfectly into the universe "Allods Online"

Source: GamesMail


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