Royal Quest: gaming site gives codes to receive the prize in the game

Royal quest igrovoy sayt razdaet kody na poluchenie prizov v igre 143439
15 February 2013

Administration of Games.Mail.Ru, told the visitors that now the players multiplayer Royal Quest have a great opportunity to get a gift. Get the code, players must activate it, and then find in game mail surprise in his character as a set of traveler. It can be the players and their friends more qualitatively explore the world of this wonderful game. And yet it will be in the box and all sorts of surprises.

By the way, the team warns that an account with a game you can activate only one key. As for the chest and items that you will take out of it, then they have not been able either to sell or transfer to someone from the other characters. And to get the desired key, and many do not. Suffice it to just click the button, which is located just below. And after this simple procedure you by electronic mail will receive an email containing further instructions.

You did not receive this letter? Be sure to check out the spam - suddenly it was there. And players warn that need to hurry. And - because of the limited number of key. Because not all of them can be enough!

Source: GamesMail


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Poster: lilon9090, 26 March 2013 20:55:23

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