EVE Online: Ban the gaming community is outraged by a respected player

Eve online igrovoe soobschestvo vozmuscheno banom uvazhaemogo igroka 790502
15 February 2013

Members play EVE Online CCP Games approached with a request for transparency and openness policy administration project. But then refused. It turns out that one of the players Corporation E-UN was banned. But it was a successful merchant and, as it is - most importantly - a great person, writing articles for the wiki on the project and is always ready to help with advice.

According to the player he used during the trade specifically designed pages that were open the in-game browser, but because he received intelligence on many trade contracts. And admins game is likened to the use of bots that automate the actions of the hero. Why ban a player for 2 weeks. True, the response from members of CCP Games official protests and other actions to protect the player had been received. Moreover, the player of the E-UNI deleted characters, giving a considerable amount of his corporation. Although money is confiscated administration soon.

Members of the project could not resent the fact that the banned player, who is considered a model of friendliness and honesty. No one can believe that he grossly violated the rules. As a result, the public has demanded that the administration's actions were transparent. Let's say that users clearly see the evidence of any legitimacy. As you remember, CCP Games denied them this, saying that it is hampered by many legal and technical reasons. Alas, in the history of the game is - not the first case of improper actions by the administration of the game.

Source: GamesMail


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